Activities |
Programming the TI84 |
The Quadratic Formula
- Creating a program in the TI84 calculator
- Editing a program
- Executing a program
- Using [STO] to save values in variables
- Getting input from the user
- Sending output to the user
- Conditional programming - testing for special cases uses the IF statement
Lab 1 |
Programming the TI84 The Quadratic Formula
- Version 1
Prompt the user for value, echo values back to the user.
- Version 2
Add calculations of the roots for quadratic equation; display output to the user
- Version 3
Add error checking and conditional programming
Lab 2 | Introduction to BASIC Programming
- Introduction to the Command Prompt
- Commands for the command prompt
- Running the basic interpreter (the lab was written for GWBASIC
but blassic was used instead)
Lab 3 | BASIC Programming
- Part 0: Review of operating system command and some BASIC programming
- Part 1: Set up the Computing Environment
- Part 2: Running and Editing programs from within BASIC
- Part 3: Adding conditional processing with the IF statement
- Part 4: Repeating blocks of statements [GOTO Loops]
Lab 4 | BASIC Programming
Lab 5 | BASIC Programming
- Lab 5 Part I
- The WHILE..WEND loop
- PRINT #, output-to-write
- Lab 5 Part II
- OPEN file AS $
- Close #
- Lab 5 Part III
- Command Line Parameters
- The INSTR command
Lab 6 | BASIC Programming Extension (Optional)
Lab 7 | BASIC Programming Extension (Optional)
Tracing Programs |
Determining program functions
- Identify variables and how the are used
- Tracing programs one statement at a time
- Tracing the output of a program to help
identify the program's purpose
BASIC Arithmetic |
Integer operations
- Addition and subtraction
- Multiplication and integer division
- The mod function (remainder)
Summarizing BASIC Commands |
Document how BASIC commands work
provide program examples.