P88 ProgrammingActivities
    For homework, download the P88.jar file and complete one of the following program assignments. Submit pseudo-code, the assembly language code, and the machine code file .as file. Don't skip steps by trying to code in machine code before writing out what you are trying to do.

    Programming Choices:

  • Write a program that will ouput the numbers from 1 to 10.
  • Write a program that will prompt the user for a number, and then output a list of numbers from 1 to the number specified by the user.
  • Write a program that will prompt the user for a starting number, and an ending number, then output the sum of all of the numbers from the starting number to the ending number.
  • Write a program that prompts the user for 10 numbers, and store them in memory locations 40 to 49.
P88 Project Homework Assignment
    Complete a P88 program that will
  • prompt the user for up to 10 positive numbers
  • stores them in memory locations that you may determine (was 40 to 49, but that may not be the best place).
  • allow the user to enter a value less or equal to 0 to signal your program that they are finished entering numbers.
  • sort the list of numbers from high to low
  • send the list of numbers to the output in decending order
  • Upload a file name into your google drive folder on the class web site for grading.
  • DUE: Tuesday before class
Logic Operations Logic circuits and Truth tables
Number SystemsRepresent numbers in Decimal, Binary, Hexadecimal, and Octal
Interpret Logic Circuits Class handouts